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Adult Mens Magazine Subscriptions

Discounted Subscriptions to Maxim, Stuff, FHM, H6K, and Razor

Adult Men's Magazines at discounted prices displayed here. Pick up your mens magazines at cheap discounted prices heres. Maxim USA, to Maxim Mexico (Maxim en Espanol) and Discounted Stuff Magazine subscriptions. Obtain your favorite adult magazines and subscribe at low-price discounted cheap prices. Top pick this month is FHM and Maxum Mens Magazine.
Magazine Maxim

Maxim Magazine Discount Cheap Subscriptionis edited for young, intelligent professional men. Concentrates on sports, sex, work, health, money and fashion. A healthy balance of humor and information, Maxim is definitely a guy thing. Save 75%!
Now 12 Issues per year---Available for US delivery only at this time

Maxim en
Espanol - Mexico Maxim Spanish girls Magazine Maxim en Espanol
Discount Maxim Spanish Magazine Espanol mMmmm

Maxim En Espanol is like no other magazine. The magazine that has captured the attention of millions of men is now being published in Spanish. Audacious and daring, each issue is packed with irreverent takes on the topics that interest today's young, active male: sex, sports, fashion, career, gadgets, jokes, health and fitness. The honest and authentic voice of Maxim En Espanol speaks boldly to the modern multifaceted Spanish-speaking man.
Save 30%!
Now 12 Issues per year---Now Available for Delivery WorldWide!

Magazine Discount Subscription Stuff

Stuff Magazine is the hot new magazine from the genius minds that brought you Maxim. The premise is: it's a man's world, and Stuff will help you wallow in it! They've got fast cars, great looking girls, wild stories and easy money. After all, you can never have enough Stuff.Save 75%!
12 Issues per year---Available for Delivery to US addresses only at this time.

Magazine FHM Magazine

FHM - For Him Magazine - FHM DISCOUNTED! is the latest hot men's magazine from England to land on the shores of the US. Drop-dead gorgeous women, the latest men's fashions, the coolest adventures and the best tech toys. FHM is funny, amusing, entertaining and informative... the men's magazine that is not afraid to be all a man should be!
Save 71.5%!
10 Issues per year---Now Available for Delivery WorldWide! Subscribe to FHM for discounted prices!

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Request your free adult catalog of adult novelty items from Adam & Eve and also receive a free gift offer - you can't go wrong. These guys have been in business for years. I have huge collections of their catalogs, nice - colorful and full of products ranging from all adult novelty topics.

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H6K Magazineis a daring but different magazine for Latin Men. This Fashion/Lifestylemagazine has everything a man should know but with a Latin Twist. H6k is the only magazine you will need to stay on top of things. (Hombre 6000)

H6K es una revista atrevida pero diferente para el hombre Latino. Esta revista de moda y de tu vida tiene todo lo que un hombre debe saber pero con estilo Latino. H6K es la unica revista tu necesitaras para estar ensima de todo. (Hombre 6000)
Save 43%!
4 Issues per year---Now Available for Delivery WorldWide!

Esquire Esquire

Esquire Magazine is one of America's premiere men's magazines and has been since it was founded in 1933. Esquire was originally recognized as a showcase for literary writers, most notably, Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. During the 1940s, the magazine broadened its focus and increased in popularity, thanks in part to the famous Varga Girls. By the 1960s, Esquire published writers such as Tom Wolfe, Norman Mailer and Gay Talese, and helped create the so-called New Journalism. The magazine also became known for its irreverent humor, highlighted each year by the renowned Dubious Achievement Awards. It has evolved to become a magazine that reflects the changing role of men in American society, featuring articles on fashion, personalities, the arts, politics, the media and "Women we Love". Save 78%!
12 Issues per year---Available for Delivery to US & Canadian Addresses Only at this time.

Magazine Discount Subscription Razor

Razor Magazine is brashly confident and smoothly self-assured, and is edited for those who like to go faster, farther and higher, Razor is for men who live their lives in the extreme. Whether it's technology, sports, fashion, health, culture or celebrity profiles, Razor shreds through the artifice to hone in on what's different, alternative or the shock of the new.
Note: US and Canadian Subscriptions Now Available At The Same Price!

Save 76%!
10 Issues per year---Available for Delivery to US Addresses and Canadian Only at this time.

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