WarDriving v. The benign act of locating and logging wireless access points while in motion. *

WarDriver Shirt
Styles Sizes
Crew neck S / M / L / XL / XXL
Babydoll Tee S / M / L
Price: $20.00

WarDriving is Not a Crime T-Shirt Mens | Womans

Wardriving is not a crime, and it seems that only we as wardrivers know it... the media spreads propaganda that wardrivers are malevolent attackers that we are out to attack and abuse the WiFi-planet )EARTH( and get phree Internet by stealing services; sniffing unauthorized networks in search of passwords; reading your email; blackmailing companies that are not secure... ALL LIES! PROPAGANDA being spread and blindly accepted by governments and its masses... such DISINFORMATION must be rectified!

Lady Baby
Doll T Use this apparel as a statement for your local WarDriving events, conventions, or when just going out to get some lunch. Let the world know you are sick of being compared to terrorists and convicted criminals. Let the world know you are not a pawn in their politics.... This shirt is a top quality Gildian 100% cotton BLACK T-Shirt with SILK SCREENED lettering 'wardriving is not a crime' across the front in white. There are limited quantities of these shirts, shipping in the United States is FREE, outside the US there is a 5.00 Shipping/Handling fee.

Sizes range from Small to XXL for Crew neck, and Small to Large for Babydoll Tee's, and you may order more than one to send to your wardriving friends, spouses, offspring and law enforcement agencies...

WarDriving is Not a Crime T-Shirt
Mens | Womans

Gallery of WarDrivers sporting the wardriving is not a crime t-shirt

WarDriving Defined:
WarDriving v. The benign act of locating and logging wireless access points while in motion. -

History of WarDriving:
WarDriving was invented by
Peter Shipley and now commonly practiced by hobbyists, hackers and security analysts worldwide.

More definitions of WarDriving:
http://www.dis.org/shipley/ :{Shipley}: "Most recently I invented Wardriving, while I am not the first person to go out and search for open wireless LANS (a few before me ventured around with in a with a laptop, pencil & paper manualy scribbling notes). I was first to automate it all with dedicated software and a GPS. When I started this project the usage or WEP was around 15%, after going public with my findings, a year later WEP usage is now 33%. Thus is good to know people are getting the message. Some maps I generated from these exercises can be found at http://www.dis.org/wl/maps/. "

http://www.wardriving.com/about.php : War Driving (wôr dri'vin) v. 1 Driving around looking for unsecured wireless networks. -term coined by Pete Shipley

http://www.seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/WarDriving : WarDriving v. The searching for wireless networks by means of a roaming (driving, walking, busing?) wireless client. Sometimes accompanied by a high gain antenna and GPS.

What WarDriving is NOT:
WarDriving is NOT illegal or unlawful in any form or fashion in the United States.
WarDriving is NOT about theft of services.
WarDriving is NOT about unauthorized access.
WarDriving is NOT a crime!

Supporters of The WiFi Community:
Security Tribe WarDriver Stickers NetStumbler The Irvine Underground Upload your Data to WiGLE Digital Artwork, Merchandise MacStumbler


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